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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Spyro the Dragon System : Playstation Date Added : 2004-10-12 15:41:22 Views : 13797 Extra Roll Move Run up the side of a hill or a trunk and let yourself fall down. Spyro will sometimes roll back down onto the floor head first. Extra Glide Distance If you are nearing the edge of a platform on a glide but are not going to make it, try charging. You will get just a little bit of extra height and forward thrust,-which is usually enough to make the edge of the platform before you fall. Extra Supercharger Distance As you are approaching the end of the supercharger ramp, hold X + Square. This should give you extra lift. Gems In The Ice Caverns Run into the poles in the ice caverns in Peace Keepers to get the gems off of them. Let Metalhead To The Work Stand with Spyro facing Metalhead with a pole directly between them. When Metalhead throws one of the enemies to 'bowl' Spyro over, just step aside. The rolling enemy will take out the pole. Using this technique, Metalhead can be defeated without touching a single pole. Avoid Death Pause game play and exit the current level if faced with imminent death by falling. This may not be done in the home levels. Loop While Falling When in a 'flight' level, press R1 when you are falling to do a loop and come up again. Level Select Pause game play, enter the 'Inventory' menu, and press Square(2), Circle, Square, Left, Right, Left, Right ,Circle, Up, Right, Down. Go to the balloonist to select any level in the game. 99 lives At the inventory screen press: square 6 times, circle, up, circle, left, circle, right, circle. That will give you 99 lives when you come back to the game. Infinity mooning When the brown fariy kisses you press square (6times) up(4times) down(7times) left(3times) right(9times). Crash Bandicoot Warped Demo First you put your disk in like usual then at the Title screen after it had loaded and says press start press L1, and Triangle button reaptively then the Crash Bandicoot Warped demo will appear. Run Faster cheat Hold down the run button then press the jump button keep the run button down and spyro will run faster. Cheat Pause the game SQUARE x 2, CIRCLE, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, CIRCLE, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, THEN GO TO A BALLOONIST. Pause the Game, SQUARE x 6, CIRCLE, UP, CIRCLE, LEFT, CIRCLE, RIGHT, CIRCLE . Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Spyro the Dragon cheat codes.
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